Support Mt. Zion Elementary School


Help Mt. Zion Kids, Please!

By Wendy Kulick


SCHOOL SUPPLIES - Needed by Aug. 1, 2019

Contrary to what you might think, the items below are not part of a list of supplies the Charleston County School District (CCSD) provides to its teachers. These are just some of the items purchased over more than the last 10 years for students and teachers at Mt. Zion Elementary School through the generosity of property owners on Kiawah, Seabrook, and Johns Islands.

In light of the needs of Mt. Zion students, we are again asking for your support.  Since teachers often need to supply earbuds, headphones and other supplies for their students, this year we are again asking you to make a monetary donation and let us do the shopping on your behalf. We will use funds received to purchase supplies and uniforms as needed throughout the school year, and we hope to raise enough to be able to continue to provide these necessary teaching supplies. Your support goes even further if we receive your donations before the state’s tax-free weekend, which begins this year on August 2.

Please make your check payable to “Support Mt. Zion Kids” and mail it to Wendy Kulick at 38 Marsh Edge Lane, Kiawah Island, SC 29455. 

If you prefer to provide the supplies themselves, you may leave donated school supplies on the front porch of the Kulick residence. Please be sure to include your name and address with supplies if no one is home when you deliver them.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Wendy by phone (843.768.7466) or via e-mail (

School Supplies
 - school uniforms (red or white shirts and khaki or navy pants)
- scissors, both blunt- and pointed-tipped
- crayons, 24 pack
- construction paper and art supplies
- black & white composition books
- glue sticks and bottles of glue
- two-pocket, three-pronged plastic folders – plastic only, please
- individual pencil sharpeners and erasers
- rulers



In addition to the school supplies we donate to Mt. Zion students, Kiawah, Seabrook and Johns Islanders have provided more than 1,500 classroom volunteer hours for more than 15 years. You need not have teaching experience to volunteer, only a willingness to help the students in our local schools. This assistance may be for an hour, a week, or an entire day; Mt. Zion students and their teachers will appreciate however much time you can give. Just talk to your friends and neighbors who have donated their time and they will tell you how rewarding an experience it is! If you are interested in helping out in the classroom, mentoring a student, tutoring students or reading to classes, please contact one of the Volunteer Coordinators for Mt. Zion, either Sandy Williams at or Elaine Davis at



Another way we can help the students at Mt. Zion is by shopping at various participating stores. This program works no matter where you live. Just remember to ask your cashier at Harris Teeter to enter the school number “3455” into the register when you use your VIC card. By doing this, a portion of what you spend is donated to Mt. Zion Elementary each time you shop and purchase “Together in Education” items. If you have an Office Depot credit card, please ask the sales associate at the register to credit Mt. Zion Elementary (school ID# 70090775). The school will receive 5% of any purchases you make all year long. Staples also has a rewards program, which can be used for purchases.  Finally, if you have a Target credit card, you can register on the Target website for Mt. Zion Elementary. These businesses donate a portion of sales dollars to local schools.

On behalf of the entire Mt. Zion family, thank you in advance for your generous support.